Tuesday, April 26, 2011

GE Remodels Businesses in India

Like many multinational companies, GE has struggled with India.  High levels of bureaucracy, corruption, and differing consumer needs and tastes made commercial success difficult in the wide array of industries GE competes in, from locomotives to jet engines to medical equipment.  Now, the company is starting to see results from a turnaround that started with a realignment of the business.  The company started by creating a separate P&L for all of India, something the company rarely does at the country level.  Then, it focused not just on marketing and sales, but also on research and development for low-cost products for India as well as other developing countries.  The company sells a baby warmer, for example, for $3000 to hospitals throughout India and other parts of the world, while incubators in the U.S. sell for four times that price.

GE Remodels Businesses in India - WSJ.com

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